Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional for September 01, 2021
But Yahweh is the true Elohim, He is the living Elohim, the eternal King, when He is angry the earth trembles, the nations cannot endure His wrath, “tell them this “these Elohim who did not make the heavens and earth, will perish from the earth and from under the heavens””. Jeremiah 10:10-11
There is only one true Elohim (mighty one) and that is Yahweh. There is actually no other. All the Elohim of the nations are idols, the work of men’s hands, being made from earthly materials such as wood, stone, clay, and metal. None of these elements can give mankind eternal life. So why would the scriptures call these base elements elohim? These things aren’t even considered to be elohim until someone beings to put more importance into these things than they do Yahweh. People turn these base elements into elohim. They begin to spend more time “worshipping” these objects and putting their trust in them than they do in relying upon Yahweh to meet their needs. It’s for this reason that the wrath of Yahweh will come upon the Earth.
Let’s begin to put our trust in Yahweh. Let’s begin to worship Him as He deserves, and let’s begin calling on His name for salvation, because He is the only Elohim that can save in the time of trouble.

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