Daily Devotions

Daily Devotional for November 06, 2023
For a man’s ways are in full view of Yahweh, and he examines all his paths. The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly. Pro 5:21-23
What you do, say, and even think is known by our Creator. But you already have some sense that this is true. The problem for most of us is that because He does immediately seem to act on those things that you do which are contrary to His will, we are not instantly reminded of the punishment for sin. We do not encounter enforcement authorities patrolling to watch over every action in our lives. When we violate a law or principle, we are not taken immediately before a judge for sentencing.
Solomon tells us in no uncertain terms that our own sins — violations of Yahweh’s Law — will ultimately lead to our destruction. The destruction may not occur right away. But the actions of the wicked put him on a path which ultimately will lead to spiritual suicide.
You may not describe yourself as wicked. We tend to think of the wicked as those who are bent on doing evil at all times. However, do you have some area of your life that is constantly contrary to the life Yahweh wants you to live? What about those habits and behavior that you know He is not pleased with? Remember, your ways are always before His eyes. Also remember that He does not expect you to walk down this path alone. Remember, He is watching and considering everything you say and do. And most of all, remember He expects your best at all times.

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