Daily Devotions

When Yahshua spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 NIV
Today most people prefer the brighter time of the year like spring and summer when the sun is bright, but some like the darker time when you wake up and it’s dark when you go to work and it’s dark when you come home. This can be very depressive in our psychological makeup but if we have Yahshua as our light our lives are brighten not only during this time of Hanukkah but every day because of the love He brings to our lives. If you walk with Him in keeping Yahweh’s commandments your life will be brighter by the love which is manifested in you from Yahweh’s holy spirit which shines as a beacon of hope to all those who see our lives. Make the determination today to be a light for others so they need not walk in the darkness anymore.

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