Daily Devotions

Acts 4:32-37Good News Translation (GNT)
32 The group of believers was one in mind and heart. None of them said that any of their belongings were their own, but they all shared with one another everything they had. 33 With great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Master Yahshua, and Yahweh poured rich blessings on them all. 34 There was no one in the group who was in need. Those who owned fields or houses would sell them, bring the money received from the sale, 35 and turn it over to the apostles; and the money was distributed according to the needs of the people.
36 And so it was that Joseph, a Levite born in Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means “One who Encourages”), 37 sold a field he owned, brought the money, and turned it over to the apostles.
Are you ready to join in with one heart and mind to meet the needs of the great commission? The Apostolic assembly sold all their excess to meet the needs of the people and no one who was in need brethren. Today we have more riches and more in need. Have we lost our focus or have we just lost our zeal for the kingdom of Yahweh? Seek first His kingdom and all these things will come upon you. Brethren support the work of Yahweh and receive the Kingdom!

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