Daily Devotions


11/21/2019 Hos 2:16-17 In that day, declares Yahweh, you will call me ‘my husband’; you will no longer call me ‘my master.’ I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips; no longer will their names be invoked. Yahweh is indeed a merciful Elohim. Despite ancient Israel turned from Him and to idolatry, He gave them multiple opportunities to repent from their wicked ways. He does the same for us. He instructed them to no longer consider pagan idols their husband and provider (Ishi) and to no longer to call on the name of Baal (modern English translation is lord or master). He told them He would be their husband and their master. We must all do likewise. We must return to the pure worship of Yahweh—a worship free of idolatrous influence and free of idolatrous names. We must call on Yahweh alone and view Him as our master and provider. He is calling out to you today. Are you answering His call?

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