Upgrade Plasma Pen

Upgrade Plasma Pen

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Upgrade Plasma Pen

Microneedling With Laser

Instead of using liposuction to remove these pockets of fat, we re-suspend the the herniated fat. Simply returning the fat to its correct position will restore a youthful look without making the eye look hollow.

Will cosmetic eye surgery fix the lines under my eyes?
While cosmetic eye surgery can tighten the skin around the eyes, it’s best to try non-invasive measures first. A TCA peel or laser resurfacing can effectively address fine lines of the lower eyelid. These treatments slough away the upper layer of skin, stimulating the dermis to generate new skin cells.

Another alternative to eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is the use of lasers to repair fine lines. Their light passes through the upper layers of skin without destroying tissues and encourages the body to respond by forming new collagen. This can rejuvenate and thicker the lower eyelid skin and address fine lines.
Is eyelid surgery safe?
Eyelid surgeries are considered very safe procedures in general and produce consistent results. In the U.S. alone, there are more than 500,000 blepharoplasties performed every year.

In Dr. Simoni’s practice, our emphasis is on rejuvenation through non-invasive techniques. Dr. Simoni prefers performing the endoscopic brow lift to the upper blepharoplasty. By simply raising the muscle, excess skin can be easily tightened without removing delicate and irreplaceable skin. You can do a simple test to demonstrate this by using your fingertips to manually elevate the eyebrows. Restoring a youthful brow can often correct upper lid redundancy without an upper blepharoplasty.

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I did an upper lid lift five years ago when I was 41. Now, I am noticing some skin overhang again. My forehead is smooth as I already use Botox. What is the next procedure for me?
It is important to understand that an upper eye lift does not address the brow. In fact, it actually pulls the lid slightly downward during the surgery. What you may be experiencing is the sag of the forehead as the muscles beneath it begin to stretch and relax. Botox can actually contribute to this phenomenon when administered horizontally across the forehead because it can relax the brow muscles that normally elevate this area of the face. Depending on how much skin was removed in your upper eye lift, you may still be a candidate for an endoscopic brow lift. If you are not an immediate candidate for the brow lift, you may be in the future as the skin continues to relax. Repeating a blepharoplasty is not recommended. An at home test may help determine whether or not you are ready for a brow lift: put your fingers above your eyebrows and lift. Gently close your eyes while you are doing this. If you can close your eyes, you may be eligible for a brow lift. If you cannot close your eyes, it is probably best that you wait before doing another eye or brow procedure.
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